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Encouraging internet diffusion lessons from and for transition economies

Kitsing, Meelis
The importance of facilitating the increase of Internet diffusion has become widely recognized by the policymakers in transition and developing countries. A wider use of the Internet will foster both economic and political development. Based on the case studies of Estonia and Slovenia, this article proposes that the best way to encourage Internet diffusion in transition and developing economies is through the privatization of an incumbent telecom company and the opening of a telecom market. To secure maximum openness and fair play in the telecom sector a truly independent telecom regulatory agency has to be established. Telecom regulators need to become more similar to central banks in their regulatory independence and stay free of political interventions. In order for this to be successful, this article recommends that these policies be combined with a liberal trade and a foreign direct investment regime.
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Contributor: International Policy Fellowships - http://www.soros.org/initiatives/ipf
Topic: Culture and Civil Society
Country: Estonia, Slovenia
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2003
Keywords: Economic Growth, Information Technology, Regulation
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