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On the road toward a more honest society: the latest trends in anti-corruption policy in Latvia

Kalnins, Valts and Cigane, Lolita
The study explores four topical issues in the prevention of corruption - the regulation of conflicts of interest, control over the property and income of physical persons, the role of the Bureau for Preventing and Combating Corruption (BPCC) and the development of the political party financing system. The study concludes that the law on the prevention of conflicts of interest should exclude opportunities to interpret it in a way, which allows for a conflict of interest. It is also necessary to expand the range of persons who are obliged to regularly submit declarations of property and income. With regard to party financing, the dependence of political parties on their sponsors will not diminish unless the overall amounts of party spending or political advertising are strictly limited and the BPCC imposes real control on party finances. To enhance the independence of the BPCC, it is necessary to broaden the possibilities for the general public to monitor the activities of this bureau.
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Contributor: Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS - http://www.policy.lv
Topic: Law and Justice
Country: Latvia
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2003
Keywords: Corruption, Political Party Finance, Public Administration Reform
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