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Sharing the experiences of Visegrad cooperation
in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighbourhood countries

Koles, Sandor
The main objective of the two-year program was to share the political and sectoral experiences of the Visegrad Group in order to support deepening regional cooperation in and among the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries emphasizing the role of inter-regional cooperation in promoting stability and European integration. The goals and applied methodology was to convene the main actors and stakeholders who play key role in inter-regional (or with other word transnational) cooperation such as governments, civil society organizations, think-tanks and businesses from these three European regions and create a forum discussing the main challenges, aspects and elements of inter-regional cooperation, sharing experiences and lesson learnt, and best practices as well innovations in this field.
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Contributor: International Centre for Democratic Transition - http://www.icdt.hu/
Topic: Politics and Governance
Economy and Development
Country: Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2011
Keywords: Democracy, Regional Cooperation
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