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Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Contributions

The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development is and will continue to be a non-partisan institution, but it is not a value-free one. It advocates policy goals such as individual freedom and dignity, the development of a vibrant and diverse civil society, a competitive and transparent private business sector, effective and accountable public institutions based on the rule of law, and an integrated political community which at the same time respects and preserves identities of different ethnic and religious communities in Georgia. It is crucial for us to be a unified political nation but at the same time respect and preserve cultural diversity that is part of our historical heritage. CIPDD seeks to contribute to the implementation of these goals through producing relevant and high-quality public policy documents, and encouraging a pluralistic and informed public policy debate in Georgia. Respectively, main activities of CIPDD include public policy research, publishing and disseminating its results, and organizing different forms of debate - professional, political or public - around this work. In addition, CIPDD is involved in advocacy efforts, including public advocacy and lobbying, and training related to its work.

Center for Peace and International Relations Studies Contributions

The Center for Peace and International Relations Studies (CPIRS) is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit organisation founded in February 1998, Tbilisi, Georgia by five individuals from various research centers of Georgia. The organisation aims to promote democracy and free market values in Georgia; to accelerate Georgia's integration into the open interstate world system; to promote peace and international co-operation in Caucasus. The organisation is involved in research and consulting. In the frames of the organisation has elaborated reports on the Europe-Asia Transport Corridor, conceptual issues of the Georgian foreign policy and problems of regional security.

Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies Contributions

The Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS) is an independent, non-profit policy think tank dedicated to helping improve public policy decision-making in Georgia through research and analysis, training of policymakers and policy analysts, and public education about the strategic issues, both domestic and international, facing Georgia and the Caucasus in the 21st century. GFSIS activities are aimed at promoting democracy and fostering political and economic reforms; enhancing regional cooperation; creating a friendly and secure investment environment; and providing local private sector and the international business community opportunities to participate in the economy of the Caucasus region. Most of GFSIS's staff members are former high-ranking government officials. They possess a unique mixture of government policy expertise and academic achievement. The GFSIS staff's significant ties with the country's political leaders and educational institutions help the Foundation raise the profile of Georgia's opportunities and problems, promote dialogue between the government and research community, and train the next generation of leaders who will shape the future of the country. GFSIS activities include research, training, conference, seminars, and publishing.

Georgian Young Lawyers' Association Contributions

The Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting human rights and the rule of law. We adhere to the Constitution of Georgia, legislation and our Statute on the whole territory of Georgia. GYLA is a membership-based organization.

Institute for Policy Studies Contributions

The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) is an independent not-for-profit research organisation focused on promoting contemporary public policy concepts and practices in Georgia. IPS is committed to providing a forum for substantive dialogue between representatives of different branches of the government, the civil sector and the Georgian public. The Institute was launched in Tbilisi in the spring 2002, with the support of the Open Society Institute - Budapest and the Open Society – Georgia Foundation. The idea was to create a think tank that could bring together available resources along with international experience and advanced technologies in order to deal with the tasks of studying and monitoring most solvent social and political processes and issues, initiating public debate around these, developing respective policy recommendations and initiatives, promoting ideas of good governance, positive synergy and democratic state-building. IPS is a member of the Network of East European Public Policy Centres.

Ministry of Justice of Georgia Contributions

The Ministry of Justice of Georgia is a key body providing legal protection of society, fostering legislative and legal proceeding; in case of democratic developments it is of vital importance. The Ministry shapes up legal formation and during the democratization process obtained completely new functions. Thus, main functions of the Ministry are to identify standards of acting legal acts, elaborate legislative work and harmonization according to international rules and regulations, run the State Register, adjust emigration and migration processes, provide law enforcement, and arrange state representation in the European Court of Human Rights.

The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Contributions

The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development is and will continue to be a non-partisan institution, but it is not a value-free one. It advocates policy goals such as individual freedom and dignity, the development of a vibrant and diverse civil society, a competitive and transparent private business sector, effective and accountable public institutions based on the rule of law, and an integrated political community which at the same time respects and preserves identities of different ethnic and religious communities in Georgia. It is crucial for us to be a unified political nation but at the same time respect and preserve cultural diversity that is part of our historical heritage. CIPDD seeks to contribute to the implementation of these goals through producing relevant and high-quality public policy documents, and encouraging a pluralistic and informed public policy debate in Georgia. Respectively, main activities of CIPDD include public policy research, publishing and disseminating its results, and organizing different forms of debate - professional, political or public - around this work. In addition, CIPDD is involved in advocacy efforts, including public advocacy and lobbying, and training related to its work.