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The economic and social impact of refugees on the host country: Bulgaria

Institute for Market Economics
At the end of the 20th century wars, as well as ethnic, religious and tribal conflicts are still the key events that impel people to move from country to country and around the globe. In conjunction with these explosions of migration there is a steady current of refugees, whose movements are determined by economic factors. The objective of this report and the surveys upon which it is based is to help rethink the role of refugees in their host countries. Taking Bulgaria as a model, its aim is to assess the impact of asylum seekers and refugees, focusing on the identification of costs to government institutions and to non-governmental and international organisations. Bulgaria is seen as a fitting model as its number and flow of refugees is easy to observe and it has recently adopted, and is now implementing, a comprehensive legal policy towards refugees. It found that, since the existing social assistance system in Bulgaria is insufficiently developed, even after being granted refugee status, there are serious social integration problems. However, refugees do not seem to constitute a serious problem in the labour market and have not added significantly to the poverty rate.
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Contributor: Institute for Market Economics - http://www.ime-bg.org
Topic: Transnational Development
Country: Bulgaria
Document Type: Social Analyses
Year: 1999
Keywords: Demographics, Labour Markets, Minority Status, Political Asylum, Refugees
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