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Harm reduction, the EU accession process and EU drug policy

Lunn, Renate J.
This document is intended to provide general information about the EU accession process and EU drug policy for NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU) working the field of harm reduction. It is intended that after reading this document and referencing some of the sources cited, such NGOs will be more able to negotiate effectively with their governments and on an equal footing. That is, they will be able to understand the vocabulary of the accession process and the EU and apply the principles of EU drug policy to their own countries in order to craft arguments for satisfactory drug policies in their own countries. Familiarity with these concepts and arguments may also be useful when applying to foundations, international organizations and governments for funding. The first part of this document provides an overview of the EU accession process, highlighting areas of relevance to drug policy. The second part of this document outlines current EU drug policy, highlighting areas of relevance to countries of CEE and FSU.
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Contributor: International Harm Reduction Development Program - http://www.soros.org/initiatives/ihrd
Topic: Health and Education
Country: general
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2002
Keywords: Drug Policy, EU Accession, Public Health
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