Corruption in judiciary

Begovic, Boris and Mijatovic, Bosko and Hiber, Drago |
Corruption in Serbia, although slightly decreased during the previous years, is still a serious social and economic problem. It endangers the basic civilization and democratic values, impairs the state’s reputation and causes unnecessary economic costs. The public estimates that judiciary is one of the areas of society most infected by corruption. Anecdotal evidence also shows that in these estimates there is plenty of truth. The consequences of judicial corruption, especially in courts, are very serious: they imperil the individual’s rights and freedom, since they forfeit the right to a fair trial, and weaken the monitoring of executive and legislative government by courts. Without efficient courts there can be no rule of law. The aim of this study is to examine the extent of judicial corruption, provide an institutional analysis of the causes and mechanisms of corruption and to suggest a comprehensive and effective program for combating corruption in the judiciary. |