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Brain drain and brain gain: a new perspective on highly skilled migration

Panescu, Catalina Andreea
In the context of increased transfers of human capital to developed countries, the brain drain has become again a topical issue. Our paper investigates not only the obvious direct loss effects – the so called brain drain – but also the possibility of more subtle indirect beneficial effects. We develop two potential channels for a brain gain: an ex ante gain conditioned by informational asymmetries and an ex-post gain through scientific diaspora networks, trying to set them against a sound theoretical underpinning. Our case study focuses on Romania and although available data are very limited, we find evidence confirming the first hypothesis. As regards the second, the evidence suggest it is still a developing option, having nevertheless a significant potential. All in all through we bring a new perspective on highly skilled migration as a phenomenon entailing also positive developmental effects through additional human capital accumulation and use of expatriates’ skills.
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Contributor: Public Policy Centre, Romania - http://www.cenpo.ro/
Topic: Economy and Development
Country: Romania
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2004
Keywords: Labor Migration
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