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Creative destruction management: meeting the challenges of the techno-economic paradigm shift

Kalvet, Tarmo and Kattel, Rainer
Creative Destruction Management (CDM) is a term from Schumpeterian economic framework which means that the transition to a new technoeconomic paradigm necessarily destroys the old industries, and their associated employment, financial, and other related structures. Within this framework, one of the main tasks of the state is to face the reality and logic of the process of creative destruction, as well as to proactively respond to its predictable challenges, through innovative measures other than regulation. In doing so, the vulnerable people and sectors in the process are integrated into the new paradigm and are taken care of in an optimised way. Topics covered in the book include the challenges brought about by CDM in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, economic dimension of nanotechnologies, innovation systems of small countries, transformation of the Finnish innovation system, and industrial dynamics in the Baltic Sea Region since the 1990s.
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Contributor: PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies - http://www.praxis.ee
Topic: Economy and Development
Country: Estonia, CEE, Finland
Document Type: Economic Analyses and Commentaries
Year: 2006
Keywords: Economic Development
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