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Managing think tanks: practical guidance for maturing organizations

Struyk, Raymond J.
Domestic think tanks and policy institutes are regularly involved in policy formulation. In a well-run organization, such management responsibilities as motivation, quality control, cooperation with boards, and external communication are normal elements of day-to-day operations. This book give a comprehensive review of these and other internal management tasks such as creating team leaders, calculating indirect costs, and launching new consulting initiatives. Numerous examples are provided to prove the credibility of such ideas for readers in Central and Eastern European countries. This publication on managing think tanks fits perfectly into this rubric where management and policy intersect. Ray Struyk, a leading expert on policy development in Central and Eastern Europe, provides practical advice for well-established policy institutes gleaned from his experiences in the region.
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Contributor: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative - http://lgi.osi.hu
Topic: Culture and Civil Society
Country: USA, Belgium, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Document Type: Other
Year: 2006
Keywords: Management, Policy Making, Think Tanks, Transition
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