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Rebirth Control in Tibetan Buddhism: Anything New?

Jandacek, Petr
This paper seeks to answer the question, if efforts of People's Republic of China to control the reincarnation of Tibetian religious leaders by law is just continuation of long-term Chinese policy or if it is new way to exert the Chinese influence in Tibet. The author explores the possible consequences of new Chinese law from 2007 relating the current Dalajlama Tenzin Gyatso's age.
Research paper analyses the role of the religious leaders in Tibetian society and focuses on political relations between China and Tibetian leaders in historical perspective. The author refers to the fact, the way of selection of religious leaders is a very complicated process influenced by political aspects. According to the author we can expect that the Chinese government will seek for application of its interests in the matter of searching and confirmation of next head of Tibetian buddhism proactively.
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Contributor: The Association for International Affairs - http://www.amo.cz/
Topic: Culture and Civil Society
Country: China
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2014
Keywords: Religion
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